For the past six years, we have been investing in luxury watches primarily for our existing regular customers at UrHandleren. These have included private, wealthy individuals and holding companies. In those six years, we have managed to generate double-digit returns in our clients’ portfolios every year – both in the good years of the bull market and especially here during the corona crisis, when UrHandleren Invest has been a safe haven to turn to for our investment clients. Likewise, we expect the same reassuring effect derived from the tragic crisis in Ukraine and Europe.
We establish commitments with UrHandleren Invest in the range of 1 – 12 MIO DKK.
Every investment starts with a good conversation, where expectations are set, and the correct setup is agreed upon between the client and UrHandleren Invest. Various legal formalities are reviewed and the parties sign. Depending on which product is chosen, based on the initial meeting, the client will have their portfolio available within a few working days.
We then meet a second time once the portfolio is available and review the watch, the strategy, and the action plan, together. Diversity and risk diversification are implied when it comes to piecing together the portfolio. Therefore, an intro package, for example, Ongoing Invest or Stack Away, also requires a minimum amount of DKK 1 million. In this way, we ensure the right conditions and risk diversification for the client in the investment package.
Read more about our two investment options below: