Personal data and cookie policy



1. Owner information
2. What are Cookies?
3. How to delete or block cookies
4. Purpose of cookies on our website
5. Google Analytics
6. Use of personal data

1. Owner Information

UrHandleren ApS
Store Torv 3
8000 Aarhus C
Telephone: 70 23 51 50

2. What are cookies?

A cookie is a small text file that is stored on your computer or corresponding to be able to recognize it. No personal information is stored in our cookies and they cannot contain viruses.

3. How to delete or block cookies

See info here:

4. Purpose of cookies on our website

• Technical functionality so that we can remember your settings.
• Traffic measurement, so we know how many people visit our site and can document this to advertisers.
• Advertising targeting, so we can show you the ads we think are most relevant and how often the same ad appears.

The site uses cookies from one of the following third parties who have access to the cookies in question:

5. Google Analytics

The website uses the following cookies from Google Analytics to measure traffic on the website.

_ga Used to identify individual users
_utma Contains session data
_utmb Keeps track of new visitors / sessions
_utmc Archive cookie, previously used for new visitors
_utmz Contains traffic data
_utmv Webmaster-defined variable for analysis

You can opt out of cookies from Google Analytics here:

6a. Use of personal data

The WATCH DEALER handles personal data in connection with the core business in the following areas:

  • Issue of newsletters (Name and address – alt. e-mail address)
  • Registration for events via website (Name, address, e-mail address, phone number, credit card information)
  • Purchase of products via website/webshop (Name, delivery address, e-mail, credit card information, purchase statistics)
  • Regarding financing (Where financing is included in a purchase agreement, the UrHandler passes on necessary information to Basisbank, which is our financing intermediary. Photo documentation obtained in connection with financing is destroyed after the identity has been confirmed.)

A data processing agreement has been established with the supplier that handles UrHandler’s internal IT systems.

UrHandleren only transfers personal data to business partners outside the EEA/EU when it has been ensured that this is done on a basis that is valid in relation to the GDPR, and it will always be UrHandleren who is responsible for data.

UrHandleren has implemented technical and organizational measures that are commensurate with the sensitivity of the processed data, and complies with the EU’s personal data regulation of 25 May 2016 in procedures and routines.

Our customers and other contacts about whom we have registered information enjoy rights as listed below:

  • to request insight, correction or deletion of your personal data.
  • to object to the processing of your personal data and to have the processing of your personal data restricted.
  • to revoke your consent at any time when the processing of information is based on such. Your revocation will not affect the legality of the processing carried out prior to your revocation of your consent.
  • to receive the personal data that you have provided yourself in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format.
  • to file a complaint with a data protection supervisory authority, e.g. The Danish Data Protection Authority.

6b. Contact regarding personal data

If you want access to the information registered about you with UrHandleren, you must contact If incorrect data has been registered, or if you have other objections, you can contact us at the same place. You have the opportunity to gain insight into what information has been registered about you, and you can object to a registration in accordance with the rules in the Personal Data Act.

6c. Protection of personal data

According to the Personal Data Act, your personal information must be stored securely and confidentially. We store your personal information on restricted-access computers located in controlled facilities, and our security measures are reviewed on an ongoing basis to determine whether our user information is handled appropriately, always respecting your rights as a user.

However, we cannot guarantee 100 percent security of data transfers via the Internet. This means that there may be a risk of others unjustifiably forcing access to information when data is sent and stored electronically. You thus submit your personal information at your own risk.

Personal information is deleted or anonymized on an ongoing basis as the purpose for which it was collected ends. Personal information is stored for a maximum of 12 months after use.

The rapid development of the internet means that changes in our processing of personal data may become necessary. We therefore reserve the right to update and change these guidelines for the processing of personal data. If we do, we will of course correct the date of “last updated” at the bottom of the page. In the event of significant changes, we will notify you in the form of a visible notice on our websites.

To the extent that personal data about you is processed, according to the Personal Data Act, you have the right to be informed of which personal data can be attributed to you. If it turns out that the information or data processed about you is incorrect or misleading, you have the right to demand that this be corrected, deleted or blocked. You can object at any time to information about you being processed. You can also revoke your consent at any time. You have the opportunity to complain about the processing of information and data concerning you.

Complaints are submitted to the Danish Data Protection Authority, cf. section 58, subsection of the Personal Data Act. 1.

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